Membership tailored to you

As a consultant working for the HSE in Ireland, you will be aware that it can be a difficult environment to practise in.

The Clinical Indemnity Scheme cannot always protect you. This is where Medical Protection can help.

The team at Medical Protection are experienced at identifying diverse challenges that can arise for medical practitioners. Through a vast array of educational resources, members can learn how to recognise potential areas of risk in their practice and help prevent issues from arising.

What’s included in your membership?

Advice and legal representation 

Access to a dedicated expert legal team 

24/7 medicolegal advice line

Indemnity for clinical negligence claims and Good Samaritan acts

Support with patient complaints

Professional development courses in formats to suit you

Risk management publications and case reports

Help with wellbeing, including an app from our partners at ICAS

Press and media support for doctors in Ireland

What does discretionary support mean for me?

Medical Protection has a discretionary approach to providing assistance. It is not about being able to say ‘no’, it’s about having the flexibility to ask, ‘How can we help?’. For more information on discretionary indemnity, read our Medical Director, Rob Hendry's, article here: What does discretionary indemnity mean for you? 

Expert advice from an experienced team

Our team in Ireland are here to provide you with the support and advice you need.

Una Buckley-Weir-edit

Úna Buckley-Weir

Úna is a relationship manager for our members in Ireland. She concentrates on building relationships while retaining business in the Irish market.

She graduated from the Institute of Technology Tralee with an Advanced Certificate in Business and Tourism, then worked in sales for various companies, including in the pharmaceutical industry. Most recently, Úna spent over ten years working as a Pfizer Medical Sales Rep in Munster. 

Meet the team



Ready to start your quote?

Click below to get your tailored quote.


Already got a quote?

Quotes are held for 30 days. Click below to proceed, amend or request a new quote.


If you have any questions about your application please refer to our
online quote questions and answers and information for applicants.

If any of the statements below apply to you please call us on 1800 932 916.

• You are applying for membership for work undertaken in more than one country
• You are applying for membership for both medical and dental work  
• You require membership of an existing group arrangement and undertake work outside of the group, for which you require individual membership 


• You are a consultant with no registered specialties
• You are an obstetrician, gynaecologist or maxillofacial surgeon
• You are a clinical scientist

Please note, if you have outstanding regulatory, licensing, registration body, criminal or disciplinary investigations your application will not be accepted.

Continue to quote

Important information

Your online quote will take around 20 minutes. You can save it and return to complete your application at any time for up to 30 days.

If you’ve previously been a member, you’ll need your membership number. If you don’t know what it is, please call member services on 1800 932 916.

To apply, you will need:

  • the full address and Eircode of your practice location

  • your scope of practice

  • your Medical Council (IMC) reference number

  • your date of primary qualification

  • your full registration date

  • the amount of hours you undertake per week

  • details of previous indemnifiers, gaps in your professional protection, any previous complaints, and claim and case history.

You will need a full case history to support your application if you have held indemnity or insurance with any other provider(s) in the last ten years (periods of State indemnity are not required). Please send us your case history from previous indemnifiers within 42 days of your application being accepted. If we don’t receive this within 42 days, or if the information doesn’t match your application, it could lead to your membership being cancelled.

Referred applications
Sometimes we need to check the information in your application. This means that at the end of your online application you will be told it has been referred. It can take up to five days for this to be investigated, but your application will still be progressing, and we will aim to get back to you earlier where we can.