
MPS runs long term campaigns that we believe improve the healthcare environment and positively impact patient safety.

Challenging the cost of clinical negligence - The case for reform

Correct as of November 2014

These are unquestionably challenging times for members and MPS understands that the 2014 increases in subscription rates, caused by the rise in the cost of clinical negligence, were painful and are continuing to have a significant impact for many. MPS is not satisfied with allowing the increase in the cost of clinical negligence to go unchallenged.
It is for this reason that in November 2014 we published an in-depth policy paper that makes bold but achievable recommendations for tort and procedural reform. Please find a copy of the paper here along with a short synopsis here.

In this paper MPS puts forward a number of recommendations which we believe will begin to address the factors contributing to this unsustainable situation. These include a limit on special and general damages, an ultimate limitation period and the introduction of a pre-action protocol. 

Having published this paper, we presented it to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children in January 2015 and the Health Minister, Leo Varadkar TD in April 2015. 

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Read MPS's full report: Challenging the cost of clinical negligence - The case for reform
Read a summary of MPS's report on challenging the cost of clinical negligence
View a PDF of an MPS press release on Tort Reform
Watch our videos on tort reform
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