With FREE student membership from Medical Protection, you’re getting your medical career off to the best start possible.

Professional indemnity is essential and can help with medicolegal issues that may arise during your medical school years and beyond.

So, start as you mean to go on – stronger – with FREE Medical Protection membership.

What is professional protection? And do I really need it?

Medical Protection provides professional protection, also known as indemnity, to assist you with any medicolegal issues that may arise during your studies and throughout your career. This includes handling patient complaints, claims, and referrals to the Irish Medical Council. It also includes access to a dedicated expert legal team, which may include clinical negligence solicitors, medicolegal consultants, and professional claims managers.

Your university will likely have advised you to join a medical defence organisation, so that’s where Medical Protection comes in.

Benefits of Student Membership

Joining Medical Protection is completely free while you’re studying and being a student member means you have access to a whole range of benefits to support you and your studies.

Our FREE student membership includes:

Advice on ethical issues and whistleblowing when on placement and shadowing clinicians.
Guidance on patient safety and consent.
Wellbeing resources, including a wellbeing app from our partners at Lyra, podcasts, webinars, and more.
A medicolegal advice line, including out of hours emergency support 24/7.
The right to request protection for Good Samaritan acts and your elective.

The best part? All of this is completely FREE throughout your time as a medical student

Read our series on Surviving Medical School

Surviving Medical School:
Social media
Read more
Surviving Medical School:
Taking care of yourself
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Surviving Medical School:
Communication between colleagues
Read more
Surviving Medical School:
Avoiding plagiarism
Read more
Want more information?
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