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Articles and features 04/02/2014

Risk alert: Clinical protocols

Risk alert: Clinical protocols

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Diane Baylis, MPS Clinical Risk Manager, discusses how protocols enable practice teams to practise the right way.

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Articles and features 01/02/2014

The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle

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Dr Andrew Tresidder explores how to maintain professional detachment in a consultation, drawing on the psychological concepts around the Drama Triangle. He is a GP Patient Safety Lead for Somerset CCG, GP Appraiser, member of the Somerset Clinician Support Service, and member of the European Association of Physician Health. He is a former Somerset LMC rep and Bristol Medical School Academy GP Lead.

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Articles and features 01/02/2014

Case study - an unfortunate prescription

Case study - an unfortunate prescription

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Mrs H was a 35-year-old teaching assistant who also had two school-aged children. She was obese with a BMI of 40. In 2006, she had seen Dr G with left knee pain. Dr G recorded that on examination her knee was tender over her medial joint line but was otherwise stable. He initially prescribed diclofenac and advised her to lose weight.

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Articles and features 01/02/2014

In the hot seat

In the hot seat

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For a busy GP, any tool that can save time and labour is valuable. Charlotte Hudson chats with Dr Darach Ó Ciardha about the launch of and its benefits for GPs and patients

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Articles and features 19/01/2014

Which room?

Which room?

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Victoria Armitage, from the Royal National Institute of Blind People, shares her experience of general practice as someone with sight loss.

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Press release 07/01/2014

Wilful neglect criminal offences threaten clinical judgment, says MPS

Wilful neglect criminal offences threaten clinical judgment, says MPS

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Following a debate in the House of Lords yesterday, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) warns that the new wilful neglect criminal offences could threaten doctors’ clinical judgment. Whilst MPS agrees that doctors should face tough sanctions for causing deliberate harm to patients, it opposes the new criminal offences because they will have unintended and damaging consequences.

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Giving evidence

Giving evidence

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As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of tribunals, including criminal or civil courts, the coroner’s court and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare.

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Casebook 01/01/2014

Anatomy of a claim

Anatomy of a claim

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The path of a clinical negligence claim is often long and complex. The eventual outcome is affected by a number of key factors; MPS claims manager and solicitor Antoinette Coltsmann takes an in-depth look at a recent MPS case.

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Articles and features 01/12/2013

An inspector calls at... Cross Hills Group Practice

An inspector calls at... Cross Hills Group Practice

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Cross Hills is a semi-rural practice on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, located between Keighley and Skipton. Part of the Airedale Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group, it is a training practice with just over 12,000 patients, ten GPs, one Registrar, two advanced nurse practitioners and a full practice nursing team, as well as dedicated admin support staff.

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Articles and features 01/12/2013

Case study - Disclosure after a patient's death

Case study - Disclosure after a patient's death

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Fred had been my patient for a few years but died in November 2011. Fiona, who is the eldest daughter of Fred, is also my patient and was her father’s main carer. Fred was due to take a holiday over Christmas in 2011, so Fiona wanted to cancel the holiday and make a claim on the holiday insurance policy that Fred took out in December 2009.

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Articles and features 01/12/2013

Online medical records

Online medical records

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All GPs will be expected to provide patients with online access to their medical records by 2015, but not everyone believes it is a good idea. Dr Amir Hannan shares how Haughton Thornley Medical Centre approached online access to records and how their patients responded.

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Press release 27/11/2013

MPS survey on post-Francis culture reveals doctors remain fearful

MPS survey on post-Francis culture reveals doctors remain fearful

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A week after the government responded to the Francis Inquiry, a survey of hospital doctors conducted by the Medical Protection Society has highlighted the enormous task facing the government in their bid to create the open culture the Berwick Review considered missing and needed in the NHS.

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Press release 26/11/2013

Online records survey: embrace digital innovation but keep data secure

Online records survey: embrace digital innovation but keep data secure

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As MPs discuss online medical records in the Commons Chamber today (26 November), the Medical Protection Society reiterates its concerns that without appropriate safeguards, what could be a revolutionary innovation could lead to patients unable to benefit from the new online system.1

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Press release 19/11/2013

'Criminal offence will create culture of fear in NHS', MPS responds t...

'Criminal offence will create culture of fear in NHS', MPS responds to government’s response to Francis Inquiry

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Following the government’s announcement that there will be a new criminal offence for wilful neglect, Dr Stephanie Bown, Director of Policy and Communications at the Medical Protection Society, said, 'The Medical Protection Society has long argued that better care for patients in the NHS would come through creating the right culture, which cannot be achieved through legislation. We welcome the explicit recognition by government that nothing can be achieved without a cultural change; in our view everything else must support this objective.

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