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MPS responds to the GMC’s third report – ‘State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK’

Post date: 16/10/2013 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

MPS welcomes the insights which can be drawn from the findings of the GMC’s third report – ‘State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK’. Of note is the finding that 46% of complaints investigated were against GPs – more than any other speciality but only accounted for 35% of sanctions or warnings. Communication with patients was a feature in 29% of allegations against GPs.

In response to the report, Dr Stephanie Bown, Director of Policy and Communications, at MPS said, 'These results reflect the high volume of patient interactions which GPs experience and emphasise the importance of support for them in meeting rising patient expectations in an increasingly challenging work environment. MPS strongly encourages open communication between doctors and patients as an important way of reducing patient dissatisfaction. It is our view is that many complaints made to the regulator could and should be addressed by robust local procedures.

Putting this into context, of all complaints made to the GMC in 2012, which have been investigated to conclusion, 65 per cent of cases warranted no further action. These statistics serve as a reminder to healthcare professionals and trusts of the importance of having a robust and effective complaints service which can command the trust and confidence of patients and public.'


For further information or to arrange an interview please contact Stella Zegge, Press Officer on +44 207 399 1439 or email [email protected]

Notes to editors

GMC State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK

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