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MPS statement: response to the GMC's annual fitness to practise statistics report

Post date: 24/09/2013 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Dr Stephanie Bown, MPS Director of Policy and Communications says:

'The GMC’s statistics confirm a disappointing 18% increase in complaints to the regulator in 2012 compared with the previous year, however it is notable that 60% were closed at triage and 75% of the remainder were concluded by case examiners with no action or advice needed.

This raises a fundamental question about whether complainants are using the GMC appropriately and we would urge people who have concerns to make greater use of local resolution in the first instance.

The GMC should be the port of call if satisfactory resolution is not achieved at a local level, or if the issues are very serious. These statistics serve as a reminder to healthcare professionals and trusts of the importance of having a robust and effective complaints service which can command the trust and confidence of patients and public.'

More information

If you would like further information or to interview Dr Bown please contact Kim Watson, Press Officer on +44 207 399 1409 or email [email protected]

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