
How do FTP hearings work?

How do FTP hearings work?

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The GMC and the doctor in question are both invited to attend. The GMC is normally represented at the hearing by a barrister and the doctor is usually present and legally represented. Both parties may call witnesses to give evidence, who may be crossexamined by the other party. The Panel may also put questions to the witnesses.

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Casebook 04/07/2017

A new criminal offence for doctors

A new criminal offence for doctors

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The government is introducing a new criminal offence for healthcare workers who wilfully neglect or ill-treat patients. The new offence may seem uncontentious but, in practice, it could have significant unintended consequences that could negatively impact on the professional lives of all healthcare workers, including doctors.

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Casebook 04/07/2017

Medical Innovation Bill

Medical Innovation Bill

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The Medical Innovation Bill, promoted by Lord Saatchi, proposes legal protection for doctors who try novel treatments for patients for whom standard treatments are no longer effective. The Bill is currently undergoing further scrutiny in the House of Lords.

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Casebook 03/07/2017

The accused

The accused

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Public exposure from complaints and claims can cause doctors to face a trial by media. In 2011, a UK GP was accused of sexually motivated conduct when he examined a patient’s chest – he shares his experience with Sara Dawson

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

How we set subscriptions

How we set subscriptions

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General practice is an increasingly challenging and high-risk environment in which to practise medicine. Chief Executive Simon Kayll, explains how we assess those risks and calculate GP membership subscriptions

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

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We can provide you with expert advice on a wide range of topic areas, doctor to doctor, over the phone, via email or through our extensive online resources.

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

Supporting you with your professional assessments

Supporting you with your professional assessments

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We understand that your primary focus during your training is to pass all elements of the MRCGP assessments, therefore we can provide you with additional benefits to help improve your performance in consultation and support your preparation for your exams.

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