Articles and features 01/07/2022

Caring for colleagues during COVID-19 and beyond

Caring for colleagues during COVID-19 and beyond

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The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the lives of doctors around the world. Dr Stephen Priestley and Dr Sarah Coope, Senior Medical Educators for Medical Protection Risk Prevention, suggest ways to be proactive in optimising the physical and mental wellbeing of individual doctors and their colleagues.

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Articles and features 01/07/2022

What is burnout?

What is burnout?

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Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee, wellbeing expert and portfolio GP, looks at the causes of burnout and the steps we can take to tackle it.

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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

The demand placed on modern clinicians means the possibility of burnout is growing significantly, impacting both the quality of care and potential increase in risk to patients. This workshop will help you recognise the signs of burnout and give you the knowledge and confidence to manage the symptoms to recover as well as prevent reoccurrence.

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Press release 06/08/2019

Nine out of ten trainee doctors said they do not have someone at work...

Nine out of ten trainee doctors said they do not have someone at work solely responsible for staff wellbeing

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A Medical Protection survey of doctors has highlighted concerns about staff wellbeing, with junior doctors feeling the least prioritised by their line managers/partners.

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