News and updates 30/07/2023

Half of doctors say mental health is worse now than during the pandemic

Half of doctors say mental health is worse now than during the pandemic

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Nearly half of healthcare professionals in the UK (46%) say their mental health is worse now than it was during the pandemic, and three quarters (75%) feel the Government is not doing enough to help healthcare professionals with mental health issues.

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NHS Acq case studies 15/02/2023

Case study: Medical Protection represents a consultant during a GMC a...

Case study: Medical Protection represents a consultant during a GMC and criminal investigation

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In the absence of representation from the Trust, Dr Benson*, a consultant physician, contacted Medical Protection for support at a GMC investigation.

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News and updates 28/10/2022

Medical Protection launches a new campaign aimed at supporting doctor...

Medical Protection launches a new campaign aimed at supporting doctors through menopause

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Patricia Canedo, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Medical Protection, introduces Medical Protection's new campaign which aims at supporting doctors and healthcare professionals through menopause.

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