Press release 15/09/2022

Burnout review highlights need for urgent action

Burnout review highlights need for urgent action

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Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at Medical Protection Society (MPS) comments on the study by the University of Manchester into the link between burnout and patient safety.

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Articles and features 01/07/2022

Caring for colleagues during COVID-19 and beyond

Caring for colleagues during COVID-19 and beyond

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The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the lives of doctors around the world. Dr Stephen Priestley and Dr Sarah Coope, Senior Medical Educators for Medical Protection Risk Prevention, suggest ways to be proactive in optimising the physical and mental wellbeing of individual doctors and their colleagues.

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Articles and features 01/07/2022

What is burnout?

What is burnout?

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Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee, wellbeing expert and portfolio GP, looks at the causes of burnout and the steps we can take to tackle it.

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Articles and features 25/02/2021

Surviving the pandemic - how can employers support doctors during COV...

Surviving the pandemic - how can employers support doctors during COVID-19?

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Dr Gabrielle Pendlebury looks at ways that organisations can support doctors' wellbeing, resilience and mental health throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting on measures that were put in place at the London Nightingale hospital.

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Press release 01/11/2019

72% of UK doctors facing ‘Superdoctor Syndrome’

72% of UK doctors facing ‘Superdoctor Syndrome’

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Nearly three quarters of doctors surveyed in the UK say they will always come into work, even when they are too unwell, fatigued or stressed to be productive according to a leading medical protection organisation.

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