Press release 08/08/2017

Newly qualified doctors optimistic about future careers, but need sup...

Newly qualified doctors optimistic about future careers, but need support

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80% of newly qualified doctors say they have enjoyed their first year, and over 60% say they are excited about their future careers, according to a survey by Medical Protection.

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News and updates 01/08/2017

Provision of medicolegal reports/acting as a medicolegal expert

Provision of medicolegal reports/acting as a medicolegal expert

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If you are a doctor and want to practise medicine in the UK, you need to hold GMC registration with a licence to practise. Given this requirement, we have carefully considered the appropriate criteria we require of members who produce medicolegal reports and/or act as a medicolegal expert.

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Press release 26/07/2017

Medical Protection partners with two leading GP groups

Medical Protection partners with two leading GP groups

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Medical Protection has announced a major new partnership with two GP networks, which will provide healthcare professionals across 67 practices with access to indemnity and enable flexible working across multiple practice sites in Leeds.

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Case report 14/07/2017

A failure to monitor

A failure to monitor

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Retired engineer Mr S, 77, went to see his GP, Dr J, with symptoms of dizziness. He had returned from a pacemaker check at the hospital that morning and while travelling home on the train he had started to feel off-balance. He managed to get an emergency appointment to see Dr J, by which time the symptoms were resolving.

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Press release 13/07/2017

MPS response to NHS Resolution 2016/17 annual report

MPS response to NHS Resolution 2016/17 annual report

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Commenting on the 2016/17 NHS Resolution annual report into the cost of clinical negligence to the NHS – Emma Hallinan, Director of Claims at the Medical Protection Society (MPS), said...

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Factsheet 06/07/2017

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

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The duty, which was introduced by the government through regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, applies to NHS organisations such as trusts and foundation trusts, to secondary care clinicians, and to bodies including GP practices, dental practices and care homes.

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Advice booklet 04/07/2017

Handling the Media (UK)

Handling the Media (UK)

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Media scrutiny of you and your practice of medicine could put your personal and professional reputation at risk. The MPS Press Office is staffed by communications professionals experienced in dealing with the media.

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