Advice booklet 04/07/2017

An essential guide to Consent

An essential guide to Consent

Time to read article: 1 mins
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Consent is a fundamental principle of medical law. The basic rule is simple: no-one has the right to touch anyone else without lawful excuse and if doctors do so it may well undermine patients’ trust.

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Chapter 1: Medical Professionalism - What do we mean?

Chapter 1: Medical Professionalism - What do we mean?

Time to read article: 4 mins
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As a collective whole, doctors are regarded as “professionals” both by the public and by their peers. They remain the most trusted profession among the public, which has been the case for many years. Individually, some doctors may fall short of the mark. But what do we mean by professionalism? And how much bearing does this definition have on the behaviours expected of a doctor? Firstly, we need to be clear about exactly what a profession is.

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Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Today’s doctors are working in a constantly evolving environment, where many of the old expectations regarding the role of doctors, nurses and patients are being replaced by new ones. The roles themselves are changing – doctors are clinicians, leaders, teachers, managers, commissioners and purchasers of services.

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Professional expectations

Professional expectations

Time to read article: 2 mins
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Any doctor who specialises in a particular field would be expected to keep up-todate in that area. This would apply to all fields of medicine. Surgeons with a special interest would be expected to keep up-to-date with developments both in the field of general surgery and their area of special interest.

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