Handling the Media (UK)

Post date: 04/07/2017 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Written by a senior professional
Media scrutiny of you and your practice of medicine could put your personal and professional reputation at risk. The MPS Press Office is staffed by communications professionals experienced in dealing with the media.

Where a media query relates to issues that fall within the scope of benefits of membership, we can advise and assist you on how best to handle media attention.

Early advice from the MPS Press Office can help mitigate risks. We can help you respond to the media and deal with them on your behalf.

Your first contact is likely to be with a Medicolegal Adviser and they will advise whether the MPS Press Office should be involved.

Handling the Media has been updated and redesigned to reflect members’ needs and the current press environment. Significant additions to the guide are chapters on reporters at legal proceedings, undercover journalism, and social media and discussion sites to reflect the current investigative and online press environment, where doctors can get caught out.

Media advice from MPS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



How can MPS help you deal with the media? 

  • How the media may contact you
  • Protecting patients’ privacy
  • Reporters at legal proceedings

What can you say to the media? 

  • Confidentiality
  • GP practices and private clinics – supporting your team 
  • Social media and discussion sites 

What can you do if it all goes wrong? 

  • How can you seek redress? 
  • Factually incorrect articles 
  • Injunction

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