Articles and features 29/06/2023

The five principles of the Mental Capacity Act

The five principles of the Mental Capacity Act

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Both legislation and the GMC’s guidance emphasise that doctors should presume that adults have the capacity to consent to or refuse a proposed treatment unless it can be established that they lack that capacity.

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Factsheet 28/01/2022

Non-therapeutic circumcision - UK

Non-therapeutic circumcision - UK

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Non-therapeutic circumcision of male children is carried out for religious or ritual reasons and is generally not available on the NHS.1 There is also a significant issue related to the appropriateness of the facilities in which the operation is carried out and a lack of formal training and certification in circumcision.

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Casebook 18/05/2020

Followership: the forgotten part of leadership

Followership: the forgotten part of leadership

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It goes without saying that strong leadership is vital to ensuring the stability and success of healthcare systems. But the value of followers in challenging this leadership is just as great, say Mr Andrew Gibbons and Ms Danielle Bryant.

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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

The demand placed on modern clinicians means the possibility of burnout is growing significantly, impacting both the quality of care and potential increase in risk to patients. This workshop will help you recognise the signs of burnout and give you the knowledge and confidence to manage the symptoms to recover as well as prevent reoccurrence.

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