
Mental Health And Doctors: What do you need to know?

Mental Health And Doctors: What do you need to know?

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Working in healthcare can be tough and demanding. Increased workloads, fewer resources and rising patient expectations can take their toll on a doctor’s mental health, as can experience of a negligence claim, and high levels of regulation and scrutiny.

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Applying for GP specialty training

Applying for GP specialty training

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Choosing a career in general practice can be both rewarding and challenging. We understand that sometimes General Practice can be a daunting environment for a new trainee, not accustomed to the independent working and the pressure of being that first port of call and diagnosis for patients entering the health service.

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Articles and features 29/08/2017

Rising nurse claims

Rising nurse claims

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MPS has seen a steady rise in the number of claims involving practice nurses, with ‘delay in diagnosis’ being the most common type of claim. Kate Taylor, Clinical Risk Manager, MPS Educational Services, reveals more

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New Doctor - Vol. 7 no. 1, 2014

New Doctor - Vol. 7 no. 1, 2014

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The possibility of humans living on Mars in our lifetime seems a fantastical proposition – however, Dr Lemon’s fascinating piece challenges that belief.

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Professional Practice Manager

Professional Practice Manager

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If you are a Practice Xtra member with gold level benefits, you can subscribe to Croner-i Professional Practice Manager online information service, an essential time-saving resource for busy practice managers.

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