Test your knowledge

Post date: 30/08/2017 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Try these sample AKT questions provided by Dr Mahibur Rahman from Emedica

1. What value of gifts from patients or relatives must be recorded in a register of gifts under the General Medical Services (GMS) contract regulations?

    A. All gifts regardless of value 

    B. £10 or more 

    C. £25 or more

    D. £50 or more

    E. £100 or more

2. A 60-year-old caucasian patient has a diagnosis of hypertension confirmed on ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM). His average BP on ABPM was 160/98 mmHg. He is not on any medication. Which of the following is the most suitable management option?

    A. Suggest lifestyle modification only at this stage and repeat BP in six months 

    B. Treat with Amlodipine 5mg od

    C. Treat with Lisinopril 10mg od

    D. Treat with Indapamide 2.5mg od

    E. Treat with Doxazosin 10mg od

3. A 68-year-old lady has a risk assessment for osteoporosis and as a result is sent for a DEXA scan. What T-score for hip bone mineral density from the DEXA scan would indicate osteoporosis?

    A. -2.5 or more 

    B. -2.0 or more 

    C. -1.5 or more

    D. -1.0 or more

    E. -0.5 or more

    The correct answer is E: £100 or more. The gift does not have to be monetary to be recorded – it is the value of the gift that is important. The register of gifts should include the donor’s name and nature of the gift.

    The correct answer is B: Treat with Amlodipine 5mg od. This patient has Stage 2 hypertension as his ABPM is over 150/95 mmHg. The current NICE guidelines recommend starting treatment for patients in this group. Patients aged 55 or over should be started on a calcium channel blocker 1st line.

    The correct answer is A: -2.5 or more. The T-score gives the bone mineral density compared to the BMD of a healthy young adult. It is expressed as standard deviations (SD) from the mean. A T-score from +1.0 to -1.0 is considered within the normal range. -1.0 to less than -2.5 is considered osteopenia. A T-score of -2.5 or more below the mean is considered osteoporosis.

Dr Mahibur Rahman is the medical director of Emedica, and works as a portfolio GP in the West Midlands. He is the course director for the Emedica AKT and CSA Preparation courses, and has helped hundreds of GP trainees achieve success in their MRCGP, AKT and CSA examinations each year.

MPS members can get a £20 discount off the Emedica MRCGP courses. Details of the courses are available at www.emedica.co.uk

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