Test your knowledge

Post date: 02/10/2014 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Try these sample AKT questions provided by Dr Mahibur Rahman from Emedica

  1. Which of the following is part of the core treatment recommended for treating osteoarthritis in the current NICE guidelines?

    A. Steroid injection 
    B. Topical NSAIDs 
    C. Oral NSAIDs
    D. COX-2 inhibitors
    E. Exercise

  2. Patients with which of the following risk factors should be offered testing for chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

    A. Obesity 
    B. Afro-Caribbean patients aged over 55
    C. Family history of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
    D. Ischaemic heart disease
    E. Age over 65

  3. A patient requests access to information from their medical record under the Data Protection Act. They have included the required fee with their written request. What is the maximum time allowed for you to allow access?

    A. 40 calendar days 
    B. 40 working days 
    C. 28 calendar days
    D. 28 working days
    E. 20 working days

  1. The correct answer is E: Exercise. The core treatments recommended in the updated guidance (NICE 2014) are exercise to strengthen muscles, aerobic exercise, weight loss for those that are overweight or obese and access to appropriate information. Additional/adjunct treatments include paracetamol +/- topical NSAIDs. Topical NSAIDs should be considered ahead of oral NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors and opioids.
  2. The correct answer is D: Ischaemic heart disease. The 2014 guidelines recommend testing for CKD using eGFRcreatinine and albumin-creatinine ratio to people with diabetes, hypertension, acute kidney injury, cardiovascular disease (ischaemic heart disease, chronic heart failure, peripheral vascular disease or cerebral vascular disease) as well as those with structural renal tract disease and those with family history of end stage kidney disease (rather than just CKD). Obesity without other risk factors does not require CKD testing, and testing should not be done solely on the basis of age or ethnicity (NICE 2014).
  3. The correct answer is A: 40 calendar days. The Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA) allows patients to make a subject access request to anyone holding personal data about them. Practices can charge £10 for access/copies of electronic records, or £50 for paper or mixed records. The practice must ensure that any third party information is removed or redacted. Once a valid request and fee is received, access must be granted within 40 calendar days.

Dr Mahibur Rahman is the medical director of Emedica, and works as a portfolio GP in the West Midlands. He is the course director for the Emedica AKT and CSA Preparation courses, and has helped several thousand GP trainees achieve success in their GP training examinations each since 2005.

MPS members can get a £20 discount off the Emedica MRCGP courses. Details of the courses are available at www.emedica.co.uk

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