Case report 20/10/2017

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

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A patient presents with a sore wrist after a fall. This was followed by a complaint against the doctor.

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Press release 17/10/2017

The Department of Health issue statement on the indemnity offer made...

The Department of Health issue statement on the indemnity offer made by MDU

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The Department of Health has issued a statement on the indemnity offer made by MDU following the Government’s recent announcement on a state-backed indemnity scheme.

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News and updates 12/10/2017

Government support for GPs welcomed, but caution is urged

Government support for GPs welcomed, but caution is urged

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In the latest development regarding indemnity costs for GPs, the Government has announced its decision to develop a state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England.

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Press release 12/10/2017

MPS response to announcement on state-backed indemnity

MPS response to announcement on state-backed indemnity

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The Government has announced its intention to develop a new state-backed scheme for clinical negligence indemnity, for GPs in England. Read our response.

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Mastering difficult interactions with patients

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Mastering difficult interactions with patients

This workshop helps you identify and utilise a range of different skills in difficult clinical interactions with patients. These skills can help you and your patients reach a more favourable outcome and still preserve the integrity of the important doctor-patient relationship.

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Medical Records for GPs - in practice

Medical Records for GPs - in practice

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. They should be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Achieving safer and reliable practice

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Achieving safer and reliable practice

This workshop will give you a firm grounding in ways to improve reliability, which can result in reduced risk for yourself and your patients. With patient expectations increasing, this is a great opportunity to embrace quality of care improvements. The workshop also discusses the complex relationship between innovation and reliability, as well as the role played by human error.

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