Articles and features 27/10/2017

Hot topic: Include reflections in your ePortfolio

Hot topic: Include reflections in your ePortfolio

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Drawing upon a recently reported case, Medical Protection’s Senior Medicolegal Adviser Dr Pallavi Bradshaw emphasises why it is important to include reflections in your ePortfolio.

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Articles and features 27/10/2017

Consent success

Consent success

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Top ten tips to assist foundation doctors when consenting a patient for a procedure

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Articles and features 27/10/2017

Ask MPS: Probity

Ask MPS: Probity

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New Doctor Editor-in-Chief and Medicolegal Adviser Dr James Thorpe demonstrates why probity is paramount to the role of a foundation doctor.

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Articles and features 27/10/2017

A difficult conversation

A difficult conversation

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When it comes to Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Medical Protection’s Medicolegal Adviser Dr Nicky King reflects on a junior doctor’s position

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Articles and features 27/10/2017

From ward to world

From ward to world

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Dr Robert Molloy reflects on his time working as a young doctor in Christchurch, New Zealand. When an earthquake struck, his year abroad took a very different turn

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Case report 26/10/2017

Lost opportunity

Lost opportunity

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Ms C, a 43-year-old smoker who was otherwise well, presented to her GP, Dr Q, complaining of a few days’ discoloration to the tip of her right index finger. She explained that her fingers had always felt cold and often turned white and went numb when she was outside.

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