News and updates 26/02/2018

Attending the Paralympic Games

Attending the Paralympic Games

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The Olympic, Paralympic, and Commonwealth Games are major events in the world’s sporting and cultural calendar. Almost inevitably, a number of Medical Protection members may be attending the Games.

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Press release 23/02/2018

New defences for pharmacists who make accidental medication errors sh...

New defences for pharmacists who make accidental medication errors should be extended to doctors

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Commenting on the announcement that the Department of Health and Social Care will look at new measures to tackle medication errors, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Senior Medicolegal Adviser at the Medical Protection Society, said...

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Articles and features 22/02/2018

How to avoid medication errors

How to avoid medication errors

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A new study has highlighted the ongoing problem of medication errors in the NHS. Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, senior medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, says that clinicians are only human – and help is at hand

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Articles and features 22/02/2018

From the advice line: documenting aggressive behaviour

From the advice line: documenting aggressive behaviour

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Dr Rachel Birch, medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, shares a recent case on documenting a patient’s aggressive behaviour in his medical record.

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News and updates 19/02/2018

Risk alert: the role of non-clinical staff

Risk alert: the role of non-clinical staff

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The role of non-clinical staff in modern general practice is expanding. Julie Price, head of risk management and education consultancy at Medical Protection, looks at the risks of such staff managing correspondence

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Articles and features 19/02/2018

Managing staff sickness

Managing staff sickness

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Dealing with staff absence can be a complex and time-consuming task for busy practices. Here employment law specialists Croner Consulting offer advice and guidance.

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Articles and features 15/02/2018

Antibiotics: how to manage expectations

Antibiotics: how to manage expectations

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Patient expectations over the prescribing of antibiotics can pose a real challenge to GPs. Dr Marika Davies, senior medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, outlines how your communication skills can rise to the fore.

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Press release 15/02/2018

Commitment to fixed recoverable costs scheme is welcomed

Commitment to fixed recoverable costs scheme is welcomed

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The Government has announced that an expert group will be formed to work on introducing a new cap on the amount of costs that lawyers can recover in clinical negligence cases. The proposed cap will be applied to all cases up to £25,000 and will help to save the NHS up to £45 million a year.

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