Press release 05/04/2018

Unfair disciplinary procedures in NHS Trusts must be tackled to aid s...

Unfair disciplinary procedures in NHS Trusts must be tackled to aid shift to open learning culture

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Inconsistent and unfair disciplinary procedures in NHS Trusts across England must be addressed if we are to make a shift from a culture of fear in healthcare, to one of openness and learning, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) said today.

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Articles and features 02/04/2018

Starting GP training? Here are your ten top tips

Starting GP training? Here are your ten top tips

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Starting your first post in training, or changing to a new rotation, can be exciting, but it can also be scary and comes with lots of challenges. In this article, Dr Mahibur Rahman looks at ten tips to help you in your new post.

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Press release 28/03/2018

MPS response to Dr Bawa-Garba appeal news

MPS response to Dr Bawa-Garba appeal news

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MPS comments on the news that Dr Bawa-Garba's appeal has been granted

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Case report 27/03/2018

Deskilled disciplinary proceedings

Deskilled disciplinary proceedings

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Mr H was a senior consultant general and breast surgeon who worked in a district general hospital. He was recognised by his colleagues as an expert in breast surgery and an informal arrangement was put in place to transfer all patients with breast problems to Mr H. This arrangement was endorsed by the hospital clinical director but was not formally agreed...

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Location: Edinburgh (Read more for further details)
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Case report 27/03/2018

A pain in the knee

A pain in the knee

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Miss F, an overweight 11-year-old, attended her GP, Dr A, complaining of knee pain and clicking for two months following a twisting injury whilst playing football...

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News and updates 21/03/2018

Duty of candour – Scotland

Duty of candour – Scotland

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A new duty of candour for all health, care and social work services comes into effect in Scotland on 1 April 2018. It places an expectation on organisations to be open, honest and supportive when there is an unexpected or unintended incident resulting in death or harm.

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Press release 20/03/2018

Fairer system for setting discount rate in England and Wales is welco...

Fairer system for setting discount rate in England and Wales is welcome news

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Justice Secretary David Gauke has unveiled plans to introduce the Civil Liability Bill to parliament. The new Bill includes changes to the way the discount rate is set.

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