Case report 14/03/2018

Problematic pacemaker placement

Problematic pacemaker placement

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Mr U, a 29-year-old teacher, was referred to Dr N, a consultant cardiologist, with a history of several episodes of dizziness, perspiration and palpitations. A 24-hour ECG had shown episodes of tachycardia and bradycardia, and second-degree Mobitz type II heart block was demonstrated when symptomatic.

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Press release 13/03/2018

English law on gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare must move...

English law on gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare must move towards Scottish position

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The law that is applied in gross negligence manslaughter (GNM) cases in healthcare should move towards Scotland’s comparable offence of Culpable Homicide, where charges are only brought against doctors if an act is proved to be intentional, reckless or grossly careless, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) said today.

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Press release 13/03/2018

Evidence to the Professor Sir Norman Williams Review

Evidence to the Professor Sir Norman Williams Review

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The Department of Health & Social Care recently launched a review in to the application of Gross Negligence manslaughter charges in healthcare settings. Read the full MPS submission to this review here.

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News and updates 08/03/2018

Government GP indemnity survey


Government GP indemnity survey

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The Government is surveying GP professionals in England to gain a clearer understanding of their needs ahead of the new state-backed scheme.

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News and updates 08/03/2018

GP state-backed indemnity - what we know so far


GP state-backed indemnity - what we know so far

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UPDATE: Eight months after the UK Government announced its intention to provide state-backed indemnity for GPs in England, we look at what we know about the planned scheme.

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Press release 07/03/2018

MPS response to David Sellu MPTS outcome

MPS response to David Sellu MPTS outcome

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The MPTS has concluded that the GMC’s allegations against surgeon David Sellu, whose gross negligent manslaughter case was quashed in November 2016, are not proved.

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News and updates 01/03/2018

Risk alert: nurse prescribing

Risk alert: nurse prescribing

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Prescribers are responsible for all prescriptions they sign, including repeat prescriptions. Here Julie Price, head of risk management and education consultancy at Medical Protection, identifies the risks associated with nurse prescribers.

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