Learning from cases 19/06/2018

Learning from cases: Ophthalmology

Learning from cases: Ophthalmology

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This guide highlights some common ophthalmology medicolegal cases, particularly in laser vision and cataract surgeries, often involving consent and outcome issues. It also focuses on improving communication and documentation to help develop risk management.

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Articles and features 08/06/2018

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

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New data protection regulations came into force on 25 May and MPS is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations – correct redaction and anonymisation is one way that you can play your part in safeguarding data.

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Press release 14/05/2018

The Welsh Government has announced its intention to introduce a state...

The Welsh Government has announced its intention to introduce a state-backed scheme for clinical negligence indemnity, for GPs in Wales

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Simon Kayll, CEO at the Medical Protection Society (MPS), commented on the Welsh Government's announcement of its intention to introduce a state-backed scheme for clinical negligence indemnity, for GPs in Wales

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Press release 02/05/2018

MPS works with NICE to revise cauda equina syndrome red flags

MPS works with NICE to revise cauda equina syndrome red flags

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has been instrumental in a revision to the NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) red flag symptoms for cauda equina syndrome. The changes will help healthcare professionals diagnose the condition and make referrals earlier, enabling prevention of irreversible nerve damage and disability.

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Case report 16/04/2018

Delayed diagnosis

Delayed diagnosis

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Mrs F, a 30-year-old housewife, visited her GP, Dr O, with a four-week history of diarrhoea. Dr O arranged a stool sample for microscopy and culture (which was negative) and prescribed codeine. Four months later, Mrs F was still having diarrhoea, especially after meals, and she had started to notice some weight loss. She returned to the surgery and this time saw Dr P, who examined her and found nothing remarkable, but decided to refer her to gastroenterology in view of her persistent symptoms.

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National Trainees Conference

Date: 06/12/2018 8:00 -07/12/2018 15:30 (Read more for further details) Location: Birmingham (Read more for further details)
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National Trainees Conference

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AAGBI Annual Congress

Date: 26/09/2018 8:00 -28/09/2018 16:00 (Read more for further details) Location: Dublin (Read more for further details)
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AAGBI Annual Congress

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