Factsheet 08/08/2018

Inquests - Northern Ireland

Inquests - Northern Ireland

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An inquest is a fact-finding exercise that is conducted by the Coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. The purpose of an inquest is to find out who the person was and, how, when and where they died. This factsheet gives further information about what happens at an inquest.

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Inquests - Wales

Inquests - Wales

Time to read article: 6 mins
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An inquest is a fact-finding exercise that is conducted by the coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. The purpose of an inquest is to find out who died – when, where, how and in what circumstances. This factsheet gives further information about what happens at an inquest.

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Articles and features 06/08/2018

Is my patient fit to fly?

Is my patient fit to fly?

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Now that the peak holiday season is upon us, GPs may find themselves asked to declare patients “fit to fly”. Dr Rachel Birch, medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, presents two case scenarios, illustrating what GPs can do to support patients while minimising potential risks.

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News and updates 06/08/2018

Cauda equina syndrome: MPS improves NHS Choices advice

Cauda equina syndrome: MPS improves NHS Choices advice

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After previously rewriting the NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary on cauda equina syndrome (CES) red flags, an MPS medical claims adviser has gone one step further by improving the public information available through NHS Choices.

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News and updates 25/06/2018

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

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In the latest development surrounding manslaughter in healthcare, the government has agreed to remove the GMC’s right to appeal decisions reached by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS). This change follows ongoing campaigning by MPS, and Dr Rob Hendry, medical director at Medical Protection, says this is great news for the profession

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Articles and features 25/06/2018

Practice nurses – the right indemnity for you

Practice nurses – the right indemnity for you

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As nurses take on additional roles in practices, it is vital that you understand your requirements with regards to professional indemnity. Diane Baylis, Clinical Risk and Education Manager at Medical Protection, looks at the different options.

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Press release 20/06/2018

MPS comment on Government’s response to Sir Norman Williams Review of...

MPS comment on Government’s response to Sir Norman Williams Review of Gross Negligence Manslaughter in healthcare

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Education Services Lead at MPS comments on the Government’s response to Sir Norman Williams Review of Gross Negligence Manslaughter in healthcare.

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