Articles and features 21/06/2022

Tax-related pension considerations

Tax-related pension considerations

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Despite the changes in recent years, being a member of the NHS Pension Scheme should still provide you with a secure retirement. These changes require you to work longer than previous generations, but the level of contributions payable for the return is still attractive. This article explains some of the recent pension changes and important pension tax-related matters.

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Articles and features 21/06/2022

The Tax System Explained

The Tax System Explained

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If you’re just starting out in private medicine, you may only have come across the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, which tends to look after itself. When you’re running a business, you will have additional requirements to register with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), earnings to declare under Self Assessment, and taxes to pay directly to HMRC.

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Case report 20/06/2022

Criminal case dismissed thanks to Medical Protection discretion

Criminal case dismissed thanks to Medical Protection discretion

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A criminal investigation has been dismissed against a Medical Protection member, in a recent case that also underlined the value of our discretionary indemnity.

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Articles and features 17/05/2022

Confronting fears of openness

Confronting fears of openness

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Talking to patients when something goes wrong is a skill that will constantly develop throughout your clinical career. Medical Protection outlines what to do when a patient safety incident occurs.

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Press release 17/05/2022

Doctors who graduated overseas face harsher sanctions when unrepresen...

Doctors who graduated overseas face harsher sanctions when unrepresented at medical tribunals

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Nearly two in five doctors (37%) who graduated overseas did not have legal representation when facing a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) hearing, according to figures obtained by Medical Protection covering 2018-21.

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