Articles and features 07/11/2022

Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice: Clearing up GP indem...

Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice: Clearing up GP indemnity

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Dr Dawn McGuire, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, provides this reminder on how GP indemnity works in England and Wales, following the 2019 introduction of the state-backed scheme.

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Articles and features 16/12/2019

Dr Gabriel Hendow, an award-winning member of Medical Protection

Dr Gabriel Hendow, an award-winning member of Medical Protection

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Dr Hendow works in Hull and is a member of Medical Protection. He was voted ‘GP of the Year’ in the coveted national General Practice Awards for 2018 for his innovative approach to making Hull and its residents healthier, and for establishing a number of clinics at his practice, based in the Bransholme Health Centre.

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Articles and features 16/12/2019

Thinking differently about patient safety

Thinking differently about patient safety

Time to read article: 7 mins
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An obvious question to ask when people are unintentionally but avoidably harmed is: “why did things go wrong?” Professor Paul Bowie, Programme Director (Safety & Improvement) at NHS Education for Scotland, looks at how we can think differently about patient safety.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Two years of Multiple Jeopardy

Video: Two years of Multiple Jeopardy

Time to read article: 6 mins
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A patient dies after amoxicillin reaction – we support GP through criminal investigation, inquest and GMC hearing.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Anatomy of a claim

Video: Anatomy of a claim

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This video looks at a scenario where a patient brought a claim against three GPs in the same surgery, and how understanding the varied claims enabled us to support the doctors throughout the whole process.

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News and updates 21/09/2018

Medical indemnity guidance from the BMA


Medical indemnity guidance from the BMA

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The BMA has recently updated their site with some medical indemnity guidance for GPs . Included in this guidance is their assertion that clinicians working in primary care will still need to retain their MDO membership.

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News and updates 08/03/2018

Government GP indemnity survey


Government GP indemnity survey

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The Government is surveying GP professionals in England to gain a clearer understanding of their needs ahead of the new state-backed scheme.

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