Articles and features 17/06/2020

The People: Diversity and Risk [Video recording]

The People: Diversity and Risk [Video recording]

Time to read article: 10 mins
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COVID-19 and its disproportionate impact on people from black and ethnic minority communities, looking at factors at play and actions to be taken to ensure that people are well protected in the future.

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Articles and features 17/06/2020

The Technology: Formula 1 to Ventilators [Video recording]

The Technology: Formula 1 to Ventilators [Video recording]

Time to read article: 8 mins
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Fascinating insight to innovation during a crisis and what an industry was able to achieve in such a short space of time for the potential benefit of society.

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Articles and features 17/06/2020

The Technology: An Update from the CEO of NHSX [Video recording]

The Technology: An Update from the CEO of NHSX [Video recording]

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Insight into rapid innovation and upscaling of technology in the NHS and how this may provide a blueprint for future practice and models of care.

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Articles and features 17/06/2020

The Technology: Cybersecurity [Video recording]

The Technology: Cybersecurity [Video recording]

Time to read article: 7 mins
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Advice on cybersecurity and what steps healthcare organisations are taking to stay safe. Understand why healthcare is a particular target for hackers at this time.

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Articles and features 17/06/2020

The Technology: The Rise of Zoom [Video recording]

The Technology: The Rise of Zoom [Video recording]

Time to read article: 7 mins
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Understand how the technology company has addressed concerns over security and what role it has played during the crisis.

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Articles and features 17/06/2020

The Medicine: Transformation of General Practice [Video recording]

The Medicine: Transformation of General Practice [Video recording]

Time to read article: 7 mins
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How the delivery model of general practice changed dramatically and rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic. How will this influence the future of general practice?

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