Government GP indemnity survey

Post date: 08/03/2018 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 15/03/2019

The Department of Health will be surveying a sample of 1000 healthcare professionals who work in general practice, and as such, you may be asked to participate. We understand that the aim of the survey, which will be conducted by telephone, is for the Government to gain a clearer understanding of the needs of practitioners so that these can be taken into consideration in the designing of the new state-backed scheme for GPs working in England.

The survey includes questions on the type of indemnity you hold and whether your indemnity is at practice, corporate or personal level. There are also questions about the cost of your indemnity and your reasons for choosing your particular provider.

We hope that once they have the results of the survey, the Government will use these to provide an update regarding the next steps for the state-backed indemnity scheme, offering some much needed clarity for those professionals working in general practice.


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