Articles and features 30/03/2016

Dealing with adverse incidents

Dealing with adverse incidents

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One of the greatest challenges a doctor will face during their career is in ensuring they respond well when things go wrong. Even the most experienced doctors make mistakes but it can be particularly difficult to deal with when you are one of the more junior members of the team.

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The prospect of facing criminal investigations during your career

The prospect of facing criminal investigations during your career

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With the introduction of the new criminal offence of wilful neglect, there are now more criminal sanctions for doctors than ever before. There also seems to be more coverage of cases involving doctors which in my experience has all created a much greater awareness of, and fear about, the potential to end up in front of a judge.

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News and updates 29/03/2016

Industrial action going ahead

Industrial action going ahead

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The BMA has announced further industrial action in its ongoing dispute with the Department of Health over the proposed junior doctor contracts. The first ‘emergency care only’ action is to take place 6 – 8 April, with full withdrawal of labour on 26 and 27 April.

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Press release 18/03/2016

Medical Protection reminds members of its position on apologies

Medical Protection reminds members of its position on apologies

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Following the launch of the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman’s (PHSO) report titled General practice complaint handling across England: a thematic review, which was released today in collaboration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), NHS England and Health Watch, Medical Protection reminds members of its position on apologies.

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Factsheet 18/03/2016



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Unfortunately things do go wrong in healthcare and sometimes patients are dissatisfied, disappointed or upset with the care that they have received. Medical Protection supports open communication, and we encourage members to apologise where things have gone wrong, regardless of fault.

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News and updates 17/03/2016

Indemnity arrangements for nurses

Indemnity arrangements for nurses

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It is a legal requirement for practising nurses to have an appropriate insurance or indemnity arrangement in place in order to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Nurses will be asked to provide evidence of this as part of the revalidation process, which is being introduced from April 2016.

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Articles and features 11/03/2016

Recognising Risk

Recognising Risk

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Risk is part of everyday life – there’s no escaping it. Creating a safe environment for your patients and staff is of paramount importance and practices need to implement risk management systems. Kirsty Plowman reports.

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