Articles and features 21/07/2022

Dealing with negative online reviews

Dealing with negative online reviews

Time to read article: 7 mins
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Whether a bolt out of the blue or a digital manifestation of a deteriorating doctor-patient relationship, negative online reviews are an increasingly common part of the healthcare landscape. So, what do you do when you encounter one? Claire O’Leary, Case Manager at Medical Protection, advises don’t panic – use it as a chance to improve your practice

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Articles and features 03/02/2021

Medical influencers – be aware of the pitfalls

Medical influencers – be aware of the pitfalls

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Some medical professionals are now acting as social media influencers – using their social media profiles to generate interest in topics, products, brands and services. As with all online communication it is an area that offers benefits and risks. Dr Beth Walker, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks into the issue further

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Articles and features 21/01/2021

Surviving Medical School: Social media

Surviving Medical School: Social media

Time to read article: 5 mins
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Essential advice about protecting yourself online. The article looks into cases and GMC guidance around online activity and social media, with key things you need to know as a medical student and junior doctor.

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