Articles and features 02/08/2022

What does 'safe space' mean for safety investigations in the NHS?

What does 'safe space' mean for safety investigations in the NHS?

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Dr Sean Weaver, Deputy Medical Director, and Cassandra Cameron, Head of Policy and Strategy, from the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch, look towards the 2023 introduction of ‘safe space’ in England – and what this means for patient safety

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Articles and features 21/07/2022

Dealing with negative online reviews

Dealing with negative online reviews

Time to read article: 7 mins
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Whether a bolt out of the blue or a digital manifestation of a deteriorating doctor-patient relationship, negative online reviews are an increasingly common part of the healthcare landscape. So, what do you do when you encounter one? Claire O’Leary, Case Manager at Medical Protection, advises don’t panic – use it as a chance to improve your practice

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Articles and features 01/07/2022

One size fits all? Conversations with patients on bariatrics

One size fits all? Conversations with patients on bariatrics

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Conversations around a patient’s weight can be challenging if not handled correctly. Sinead Lay, Case Manager at Medical Protection, offers some advice and looks at why the issue is likely to become more commonplace in future.

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Case report 08/09/2021

Mastering great communication

Mastering great communication

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Ivy Grove Surgery in Derbyshire made the headlines in April with an extensive and honest open letter to their patients. But for the practice partners, it’s only one part of their wider strategy on communicating with patients. Gareth Gillespie, Editor of Practice Matters, spoke to the surgery about what drives their approach.

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