Case report 12/09/2018

Injection errors

Injection errors

Time to read article: 4 mins
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A common cause of claims at Medical Protection is injection errors. While generally low in value, they frequently cause anxiety to patients and clinicians, and are easily avoided. Dr Dawn McGuire, Medical Claims Adviser at Medical Protection, looks at some typical cases.

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Articles and features 12/09/2018

Online prescription services: what if you disagree?

Online prescription services: what if you disagree?

Time to read article: 2 mins
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Online prescription services offer great convenience to patients, but they also come with risks. What do you do if one of your patients has been taking medication prescribed online that you do not think they require? Dr Marika Davies, senior medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, explores this issue.

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Case report 14/11/2017

Balancing risks

Balancing risks

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Miss G was a 36-year-old medical receptionist who worked in a teaching hospital. She was under the care of a haematologist for chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, diagnosed when she was 13. She had a BMI of 42 and no other relevant past medical history.

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