Press release 21/12/2017

Fear of legal action impacting on way GPs practise

Fear of legal action impacting on way GPs practise

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A significant number of GPs say the fear of being sued is a major factor in their decisions to order more tests, make more referrals or prescribe medication – according to survey results published by a leading medical protection organisation.

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Press release 19/12/2017

MPS response to GMC State of Medical Education and Practice report

MPS response to GMC State of Medical Education and Practice report

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The General Medical Council’s State of Medical Education and Practice 2017 report has been published today. Commenting, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Senior Medicolegal Adviser at the Medical Protection Society, said: “This report shows that the vast majority of GMC investigations are closed without action, the end result being that over a thousand doctors go through a needless, stressful and slow process each year...

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Campaign video: #strikingabalance

Campaign video: #strikingabalance

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Watch our introductory video for the Striking a Balance campaign which MPS is leading to control the rising cost of clinical negligence.

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Case report 13/12/2017

Anatomy of a claim

Anatomy of a claim

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Back pain, paraplegia and a series of complaints – how Medical Protection helped at every step.

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Case report 13/12/2017

Multiple Jeopardy

Multiple Jeopardy

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A patient dies after amoxicillin reaction – we support GP through criminal investigation, inquest and GMC hearing.

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Get involved: #Strikingabalance

Get involved: #Strikingabalance

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The cost of clinical negligence is rising at a worrying rate, and this risks becoming unsustainable for the NHS and society. MPS is leading a campaign to ensure a balance is struck between compensation that is reasonable, but also affordable.

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