Articles and features 02/08/2021

Limitations of membership

Limitations of membership

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We carefully consider each request for assistance, but there are some circumstances in which we are unlikely to help. View examples of where we are unlikely to provide assistance.

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Articles and features 02/08/2021

Vicarious liability / extended liability

Vicarious liability / extended liability

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Important information for members regarding claims arising from your vicarious liability / extended liability.

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Press release 27/07/2021

MPS statement on the GMC national training survey 2021

MPS statement on the GMC national training survey 2021

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Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at Medical Protection, comments on the GMC national training survey 2021, which has highlighted an increase in burnout among doctors in training.

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Articles and features 30/06/2021

Whose responsibility is it anyway?

Whose responsibility is it anyway?

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The nature of teamworking in theatre can make it difficult to identify liabilities in the event of a claim. Dr Emma Green, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at some of the common causes of claims in this area and what can make them complicated

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Press release 30/06/2021

75% of GP surgeries have suffered verbal abuse during vaccination pro...

75% of GP surgeries have suffered verbal abuse during vaccination programme

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3 in 4 GPs and other practice staff involved with the Covid-19 vaccination programme say they have experienced verbal abuse from patients who have been unhappy about issues such as eligibility, prioritisation, and safety - according to a survey by Medical Protection.

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Press release 15/06/2021

Investigating doctors with health concerns under ‘lack of competence’...

Investigating doctors with health concerns under ‘lack of competence’ grounds could exacerbate health issues

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If fitness to practise concerns which relate to a doctor’s health are investigated under ‘lack of competence’ grounds, it could carry unintended consequences for the doctor involved, according to Medical Protection.

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