Press release 09/02/2018

PHE antibiotics campaign welcomed by GPs but a third still experience...

PHE antibiotics campaign welcomed by GPs but a third still experience anger over prescriptions

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While nearly 70% of GPs in England say the ‘Keep Antibiotics Working’ campaign is useful, almost a third (32%) say they still frequently experience anger or frustration from patients when advised that antibiotics are not needed, according to a snapshot survey by the Medical Protection Society (MPS).

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Press release 06/02/2018

GMC should remain dedicated regulator in reform plans but opportunity...

GMC should remain dedicated regulator in reform plans but opportunity for improvement must be seized

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While there is need for significant improvements to the GMC’s Fitness to Practise processes, and the legal framework which underpins regulation, the GMC should remain the dedicated regulator of the medical profession, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) said today.

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Press release 06/02/2018

MPS: Government review into how gross negligence manslaughter is appl...

MPS: Government review into how gross negligence manslaughter is applied in healthcare is important and timely

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Jeremy Hunt MP has announced an urgent review into how gross negligence manslaughter is applied in healthcare, following concerns around the Dr Bawa-Garba case.

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News and updates 01/02/2018

E-portfolios and the Dr Bawa-Garba case – Dr Pallavi Bradshaw clarifies

E-portfolios and the Dr Bawa-Garba case – Dr Pallavi Bradshaw clarifies

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The judgement from the High Court to erase Dr Bawa-Garba from the medical register is disappointing and its implications will understandably be of great concern to the healthcare community.

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News and updates 01/02/2018

Medical Protection shares concerns of Dr Bawa-Garba case

Medical Protection shares concerns of Dr Bawa-Garba case

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Last week, the High Court handed down the judgement of the case of Dr Bawa-Garba vs the GMC. The judgement concluded that Dr Bawa-Garba should be erased from the medical register.

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Press release 31/01/2018

MPS: Crowdfunding appeal for Dr Bawa-Garba is testament to the streng...

MPS: Crowdfunding appeal for Dr Bawa-Garba is testament to the strength of feeling across the profession

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Commenting on the Crowdfunding appeal for Dr Bawa Garba - Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at the Medical Protection Society (MPS), said...

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Press release 30/01/2018

E-portfolios remain an important part of a doctor’s professional deve...

E-portfolios remain an important part of a doctor’s professional development

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Commenting on the concerns around e-portfolios, following the judgement on the Dr Bawa-Garba case – Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Senior Medicolegal Adviser at Medical Protection said...

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News and updates 26/01/2018

Dealing with a complaint


Dealing with a complaint

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- when member benefits are much more than a ‘nice to have’. As a GP we know you’re facing constant pressure, with greater patient demands, increased regulatory control and the ever-looming risk of a complaint being made against you if something goes wrong. This is why we work hard to try and limit the stress that members face and support them wherever we can.

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Press release 25/01/2018

MPS response to judgement on the case of Dr Bawa-Garba vs GMC

MPS response to judgement on the case of Dr Bawa-Garba vs GMC

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The High Court has handed down the judgement of the case of Dr Bawa Garba Vs the GMC. The judgement concludes that Dr Bawa Garba should be erased from the medical register.

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