Articles and features 24/08/2023

Managing stress in the workplace

Managing stress in the workplace

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General practice is under particular pressure from workplace stress and burned-out staff. Here we look at some ways to manage these situations and bring about improvements in wellbeing.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Treatment abroad – bariatric surgery and GP follow up care

Treatment abroad – bariatric surgery and GP follow up care

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Following the rise in popularity of medical tourism and long NHS waiting lists, patients are seeking more medical treatment abroad. Julie Baylis, Case Manager at Medical Protection, explores the recent trend of patients seeking bariatric surgery overseas and returning to the UK for follow up care.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Emails in primary care – pitfalls and positives

Emails in primary care – pitfalls and positives

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Patients often choose to email practices in the hope of receiving prompt answers to their medical queries. Dr Rachel Birch, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, offers some practical tips to help reduce risk and manage email contact safely.

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GPs urged to protect themselves when declaring patients fit to partic...

GPs urged to protect themselves when declaring patients fit to participate in extreme events

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Medical Protection has urged GPs to consider requests from patients to declare them ‘fit to participate’ in high-risk activities carefully, and ensure they have adequate professional protection in case the patient is injured and makes a claim for compensation.

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Articles and features 15/08/2023

Medicolegal matters in healthcare practice

Medicolegal matters in healthcare practice

Time to read article: 6 mins
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In late 2022 Medical Protection celebrated 15 years of its flagship Ethics For All conference in South Africa. During this year’s webinar for healthcare professionals, Dr Blesset Nkambule and Dr Zarina Sonday, Medicolegal Consultants at Medical Protection, took delegates through a series of frequently asked questions they come across while assisting Medical Protection members.

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Case report 15/08/2023

Claim defended over alleged misdiagnosis

Claim defended over alleged misdiagnosis

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When nephrologist Dr L faces a claim, we defend it all the way to a trial.

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Articles and features 15/08/2023

What’s the difference between claims-made and occurrence-based indemn...

What’s the difference between claims-made and occurrence-based indemnity?

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As a doctor or healthcare professional, your career deserves the best protection against claims of clinical negligence. There are two main types of professional indemnity and the differences can take time to understand. This article helps explain the difference between occurrence-based and claims-made protection.

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Case report 15/08/2023

Manslaughter investigation leads to inquest

Manslaughter investigation leads to inquest

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A member contacts Medical Protection to seek advice about disclosing a patient's records to the police when a manslaughter case is opened.

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