
Top 10 tips for interacting with colleagues from other specialties

Top 10 tips for interacting with colleagues from other specialties

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Professor Allan Gaw, from the National Institute for Health Research - Clinical Research Network, shares his advice on what to think about when interacting with other healthcare professionals

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The prospect of facing criminal investigations during your career

The prospect of facing criminal investigations during your career

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With the introduction of the new criminal offence of wilful neglect, there are now more criminal sanctions for doctors than ever before. There also seems to be more coverage of cases involving doctors which in my experience has all created a much greater awareness of, and fear about, the potential to end up in front of a judge.

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How to get published

How to get published

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You’ve lived on a diet of scientific facts since you first decided to go to medical school, and you thought your creative writing days were over when you wrote your last essay for GCSE English.

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Top ten tips for record keeping

Top ten tips for record keeping

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. The notes will also form the basis of the hospital’s defence should there be any future litigation against your hospital.

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Top ten tips…for professionalism

Top ten tips…for professionalism

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Conducting yourself in a professional manner is essential for a doctor. Dr John Jolly, Head of Member Risk Education at Medical Protection, shares his tips for maintaining a professional demeanour and avoiding unprofessional behaviours.

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Ask the expert – DNACPR orders and communication

Ask the expert – DNACPR orders and communication

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Recently a patient with terminal pancreatic cancer presented acutely with bowel obstruction and was admitted to hospital under our team. We discussed DNACPR with the patient, and he was in agreement that this would be appropriate to have in place. The following day, however, his wife was very unhappy this had not been discussed with her, and she asked to have the DNACPR order removed. To what extent are we as clinicians obliged to discuss a DNACPR decision with relatives, having already discussed this with the patient?

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