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Learning from cases 17/11/2023

Learning from cases: Gastroenterology

Learning from cases: Gastroenterology

Time to read article: 8 mins
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This guide looks at complex endoscopic procedures, risks of delayed diagnosis, and medicolegal issues. It provides insights on claims and complications, and focuses on risk management for gastroenterologists.

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Learning from cases 13/11/2023

Endoscopic complications case Study

Endoscopic complications case Study

Time to read article: 2 mins
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An 81-year-old woman underwent a privately performed colonoscopy by a consultant gastroenterologist for investigation of ongoing abdominal pain and constipation.

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Learning from cases 24/09/2020

Learning from cases: Gastroenterology

Learning from cases: Gastroenterology

Time to read article: 8 mins
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This guide looks at complex endoscopic procedures, risks of delayed diagnosis, and medicolegal issues. It provides insights on claims and complications, and focuses on risk management for gastroenterologists.

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