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How to handle attention from the media

By: Dr Pallavi Bradshaw | Post date: 14/07/2014 | Time to read article: 3 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 02/04/2019

Endorsed by a Senior Professional

Medicolegal adviser and MPS spokesperson, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, outlines the various tactics employed by the press and what to do if you become involved in a media story.

dr-pallavi-bradshawThere are times when a particular complaint or accusation from a patient can be set upon by the media. To be thrust into the public eye in such a fashion can have devastating effects on a doctor’s reputation – both on a professional and personal level. For the accused, a ‘trial by media’ can arrive completely out of the blue and in most cases it is important to seek advice and support with how to respond to such attention. MPS can provide help and support in situations such as these – the assistance we offer can depend on the circumstances, however there are many common approaches used by the media that you should be aware of, and several methods for dealing with them...

Essential tips to remember

Members of the media often attempt various methods of contact, many of which may catch you off-guard. The media may contact you by:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Through social media, eg. Posting a comment or question on Twitter or Facebook
  • Arriving at your home or place of work
  • Through colleagues, friends or family.

In these cases it’s always best to avoid responding straight away – maintain your professional composure, take the details and say you will phone or email them back. In the case of an ongoing investigation or litigation it is particularly important to contact the MPS press office for advice before making any statements or comments to the media. You should also inform your Trust press office and/or employer where appropriate.

What can you say?

The media are notorious for sensationalising stories and printing comments out of context. It is very easy to get caught out this way, even if you have nothing to hide, so it is essential to consider your responses in advance. Again, speaking to a member of the MPS press office, or seeking medicolegal advice from one of our experts, should be the first step before making any comments to the media.

Any comments must be short and factual but must not compromise patient confidentiality. On the occasions where it is appropriate for you to make a specific comment, for instance, if a patient has died, then you may feel it is appropriate to express your condolences to the family. Remember that journalists often work to a strict word count and any lengthy comments may be edited, which could distort the meaning or alter the emphasis of what you intended to say. It is wise to keep statements succinct and factual; we usually suggest that about 150 words is enough as a general guide.


Remember that patient confidentiality remains paramount when making comments or statements to the media. Whether you are at the centre of an ongoing investigation, or you have been asked to give your opinion on a story in the press, you must be careful not to disclose any confidential information regarding patients. This means that in many cases you will not be able to comment about the specifics of a particular case, however you can explain why – because of your ongoing duty to maintain patient confidentiality, or because the case is the subject to ongoing legal proceedings.

Read more guidance on dealing with media enquiries involving patients from the GMC

Good record-keeping

If a complaint by a patient did ever reach the courtroom, doctors’ notes are often relied on as a form of evidence. So, good medical records are vital for defending a complaint or clinical negligence claim as they provide a window on the clinical judgment being exercised at the time. Keeping your records clear and comprehensive will ensure they are sufficiently comprehensive for legal use.

For more information on keeping good medical records and the essentials to include see the MPS factsheet ‘Medical records’

Further reading

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw Medical Protection Expert

Dr Pallavi Bradshaw

Dr Bradshaw is a medicolegal adviser, leading on Malaysia cases and previously working in the NHS in Ophthalmology.

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