Factsheet 05/11/2015

Clinical negligence claims – what to expect - England

Clinical negligence claims – what to expect - England

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A clinical negligence claim is a demand for financial compensation for alleged harm caused by substandard clinical care. Common reasons for claims include failure or delay in diagnosis, or incorrect treatment. In fact, many claims arise out of poor communication.

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Ask the expert – DNACPR orders and communication

Ask the expert – DNACPR orders and communication

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Recently a patient with terminal pancreatic cancer presented acutely with bowel obstruction and was admitted to hospital under our team. We discussed DNACPR with the patient, and he was in agreement that this would be appropriate to have in place. The following day, however, his wife was very unhappy this had not been discussed with her, and she asked to have the DNACPR order removed. To what extent are we as clinicians obliged to discuss a DNACPR decision with relatives, having already discussed this with the patient?

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New GMC revalidation assessment

New GMC revalidation assessment

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The GMC is introducing a new revalidation assessment next year for doctors based overseas and those not currently undertaking medical practice to support their revalidation.

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News and updates 28/10/2015

Risk alert: Annual infection control statement

Risk alert: Annual infection control statement

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GP practices are required to produce an annual infection control statement to demonstrate their compliance with guidelines on infection prevention and cleanliness.

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Revalidation checklist

Revalidation checklist

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Have you been allocated a responsible officer? Are you familiar with the RCGP’s credit system? If not, read medicolegal adviser and portfolio GP Dr Rachel Birch’s shares her practical revalidation checklist

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Press release 27/10/2015

MPS responds to the CQC’s consultation on its regulation and inspecti...

MPS responds to the CQC’s consultation on its regulation and inspection regime for independent doctor services

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MPS has responded to the CQC’s consultation on how it inspects and regulates independent doctor services. While agreeing in principle to some elements of the CQC’s proposals, MPS does have significant concerns about the risks involved with adopting a one-size fits all approach to the regulation of all independent services.

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Press release 23/10/2015

Mandatory reporting of FGM comes into effect on 31 October

Mandatory reporting of FGM comes into effect on 31 October

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Medical Protection is urging doctors to be aware of their professional obligations relating to reporting and treating victims of female genital mutilation (FGM).

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