Medical Protection makes changes to GP subscriptions to help with extended hours

Post date: 09/02/2016 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Medical Protection has made changes to how it sets GP subscriptions to reflect current and emerging primary care delivery across the UK. New definitions of work patterns have been introduced, in a move that Medical Protection hopes will help members who wish to work extended hours.

Sessions that were previously defined as Core Hours and Out of Hours will now be classed as Scheduled Care sessions and Unscheduled Care sessions.

Scheduled Care is undertaken during the scheduled opening hours of the practice (within 8am-8pm, 7 days a week) where registered patients are seen by appointment and where staff have access to the patient’s full general practice records.

Unscheduled Care is any work that falls outside the Scheduled Care criteria, such as sessions undertaken at any time of day in walk-in/urgent care centres.

Dr Nick Clements, Head of Underwriting Policy at Medical Protection said:

“Primary care is evolving, with new models of care and practices opening longer, and it’s important that we reflect these changes in the way we set membership subscriptions. Previously, we based subscription rates on the time the care was undertaken, whereas now it is based on whether the care is scheduled or unscheduled. This is particularly good news for GPs in practices that are extending their opening hours, such as through the Prime Minister’s GP Access Fund.

“As a not for profit organisation that works solely to serve our members, it is important that we reflect changes in the way that they work as much as we can. We encourage members who would like to discuss the changes to contact our Member Services team on 0800 561 9000.”

More information

For further information please contact Kim Watson, Media Relations Manager at MPS on +44 (0) 207 399 1428 or email [email protected]

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