Advocating your concerns in Parliament

Post date: 19/02/2016 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Medical Protection is committed to speaking up for members and raising concerns at the highest level.

Medical Protection works to promote and defend members’ interests within the regulatory and legislative environments. With this in mind, we took the opportunity to respond to the House of Commons Health Select Committee’s Inquiry into Primary Care. Amongst the points raised; a concern that GPs are more likely to be sued than ever before, the reasons claims happen, and the drives behind the rising cost of clinical negligence.  

A recent Medical Protection survey found that 67% of 600 GP members who took part are fearful of being sued by patients and 88% of respondents believe they are more likely to be sued now than five years ago.

We recognise the challenges and difficulties that GPs currently face and will continue to play our part in defending your interests in Parliament.

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