Press release 23/09/2016

MPS response to the GMC’s consultation on the UK List of Registered M...

MPS response to the GMC’s consultation on the UK List of Registered Medical Practitioners development

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MPS used the consultation to make the point that the GMC’s ambition should be for information held on the register to be fully up-to-date, accurate, and dependable. This is the register’s core purpose and current function, and should remain so.

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For the record…

For the record…

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The importance of good, clear and thorough medical records cannot be underestimated - not only do they ensure the smooth running of your day-to-day life in practice; they might prove invaluable in the event of a claim.

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Press release 08/09/2016

MPS shares NHS England’s concerns about the cost of clinical negligence

MPS shares NHS England’s concerns about the cost of clinical negligence

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) shares concerns raised by NHS England’s Director of Commissioning, Rosamond Roughton, at the 2016 Health and Care Innovation Expo today about the rising cost of clinical negligence and the impact that this is having on the profession

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Factsheet 31/08/2016

Inquests - England

Inquests - England

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An inquest is a fact-finding exercise that is conducted by the coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. The purpose of an inquest is to find out who died – when, where, how and in what circumstances. This factsheet gives further information about what happens at an inquest.

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News and updates 17/08/2016

Risk alert: Digital solution to sending third-party reports

Risk alert: Digital solution to sending third-party reports

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Several practices have recently contacted us for advice on a new software program called iGPR (or Intelligent GP Reporting). It is a tool that works with all clinical providers to produce and send third-party reports, such as those requested by insurance companies.

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