Case report 12/12/2017

An elusive foreign body

An elusive foreign body

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Child H, a three-year-old boy, was brought into the Emergency Department (ED) of a private hospital by his mother, having inhaled or swallowed a little building brick. They brought a similar piece with them. Child H was seen by a doctor, Dr W, who documented that he appeared well, with no signs of respiratory distress and a normal auscultation. Dr W arranged for him to have a chest x-ray, which both Dr W and a radiologist considered normal.

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Complaints: threat or opportunity?

Complaints: threat or opportunity?

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Vanessa Perrott, Medical Protection’s Head of Education Development and Delivery, examines how complaints can be used as a learning tool

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Press release 03/05/2017

Public urge Government to do more to reduce spending of NHS funds on...

Public urge Government to do more to reduce spending of NHS funds on lawyer fees

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Three quarters of the public (75 per cent) want Government to do more to reduce the amount of money lawyers are able to claim from the NHS in legal costs following clinical negligence cases, according to a YouGov survey.

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GP Indemnity Support Scheme

GP Indemnity Support Scheme

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NHS England has announced a scheme to help GPs cover the cost of their professional protection for the next two years. The money is being paid directly to practices and the first payment has already been made. Read below for details on NHS England's scheme.

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