Advice centre articles
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Hot topic: Consent for audio or visual recordings
Hot topic: Consent for audio or visual recordings
Time to read article: 2 mins
Consent for taking photographs and making recordings is vital, explains MPS medicolegal adviser Dr Pallavi Bradshaw.
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Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Independent Mental Capacity Advocates
Time to read article: 3 mins
The role of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) is to support and represent a person who lacks capacity in making a specific decision, and who has no-one (other than paid carers) to support them. This factsheet sets out further information about IMCAs and the role they play.
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Access to health records - Wales
Time to read article: 5 mins
Providing access to medical records is essentially a confidentiality issue; therefore, the starting point is whether or not the patient has consented to disclosure. If not, access should be denied, unless there is some other clear justification for allowing access.
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Communicating with patients by fax and email - Northern Ireland
Time to read article: 3 mins
Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should make sure that, if sensitive information needs to be sent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.
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Communicating with patients by fax and email - Wales
Time to read article: 3 mins
Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should make sure that if sensitive information needs to besent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.
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Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Best interests tests - England and Wales
Time to read article: 4 mins
The best interests principle in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the Act) states that any act done or decision made on behalf of an adult lacking capacity must be in their best interests. This can cover financial, health and social care decisions.
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Parental responsibility
Time to read article: 3 mins
Parental responsibility refers to the rights and responsibilities that most parents have in respect of their children. This factsheet gives advice on who has parental responsibility and where responsibility lies in situations in which there are disagreements over the best interests of the child.
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