Articles and features 04/10/2015

CQC Special

CQC Special

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CQC compliance topped a recent Medical Protection survey of practice managers’ main concerns. We profile a practice who were recently inspected by the CQC, and interview two inspection managers about how practices can prepare for the process

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Articles and features 04/06/2015

Flexible working: Your questions answered

Flexible working: Your questions answered

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Flexible working was introduced to help employees achieve a better 'work-life' balance. Croner frequently answer questions on their advice line from practices about flexible working

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Articles and features 01/06/2015

Poor complaints handling

Poor complaints handling

Time to read article: 4 mins
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The key to resolving many complaints is handling them early on at a local level. Terri Bonnici, MPS medical complaints adviser, presents a case study showing what could happen if you don’t get to grips with a complaint in the early stages.

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Articles and features 06/04/2015

Risks of telephone consultations

Risks of telephone consultations

Time to read article: 8 mins
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Consulting on the telephone requires a different skill-set, relying on common sense and improvisation. Learning how to do this effectively is necessary to safeguard patients and your professional position, says GP and popular author Dr Tony Males

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Articles and features 02/10/2014

From the case files...

From the case files...

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In this issue we bring you two interesting cases; the first encourages GPs to exercise caution when diagnosing haematuria, and the second highlights how various poor communication channels can have a negative impact on patient care.

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Articles and features 02/10/2014

Risk alert: Controlled drugs

Risk alert: Controlled drugs

Time to read article: 4 mins
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With the ever-changing legislation surrounding the management of controlled drugs, clinical risk manager Kate Taylor asks, is your practice is up-to-date?

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Articles and features 02/10/2014

What make a patient safety culture?

What make a patient safety culture?

Time to read article: 3 mins
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MPS clinical risk programme manager Julie Price discusses how to build a patient safety culture in primary care.

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