Articles and features 04/09/2019

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

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In a recent Medical Protection survey almost a third of doctors questioned were not comfortable discussing organ donation with a patient. With different laws across the UK and further changes imminent, this is maybe not surprising

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Articles and features 16/08/2019

Medical Protection successfully defends GP practice in fatal sepsis case

Medical Protection successfully defends GP practice in fatal sepsis case

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Medical Protection litigation solicitor Suzanne Tate looks at a claim involving a missed diagnosis of sepsis and the work of Medical Protection in successfully defending seven GP members

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Articles and features 17/06/2019

GP dilemma: prescribing valproate

GP dilemma: prescribing valproate

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As a GP, what should you do when a patient already taking a valproate medicine attends for another prescription without meeting specific safety criteria?

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

Dying matters: medicolegal aspects of end-of-life care, DNACPR and or...

Dying matters: medicolegal aspects of end-of-life care, DNACPR and organ donation

Time to read article: 2 mins
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To mark the Dying Matters national awareness week, between 13 and 19 May, Medical Protection asked nearly 400 members in the UK about their experiences on a number of issues such as DNACPR, organ donation and withdrawal of treatment.

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Articles and features 10/05/2019

Understanding mental capacity: advance decisions

Understanding mental capacity: advance decisions

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Mental capacity is the ability to make a decision. If a person lacks capacity, they have an impairment or disturbance that leaves them unable to make a decision. A patient’s capacity to make decisions about their own care is a fundamental part of matters relating to end of life care

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