Articles and features 03/11/2017

The future of primary care reform

The future of primary care reform

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Dr Michael Holmes, RCGP Clinical Lead for the Supporting Federations Programme, looks at what is next for general practice.

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Articles and features 03/11/2017

Working at scale: the story so far

Working at scale: the story so far

Time to read article: 6 mins
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With increasing pressure on GPs, many practices are looking towards super-practices and federations as solutions. In theory, working at scale makes for better contracts, more funding opportunities and the benefit of shared resources. But is this the reality of the new care model? Rosie Wilson investigates

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Articles and features 03/11/2017

From the advice line

From the advice line

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Dr Rachel Birch shares a recent case where a member asked for advice on how to deal with a patient who persistently emailed a doctor at the practice about medical issues, instead of attending for a consultation.

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Articles and features 03/11/2017

The importance of good medical records

The importance of good medical records

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Keeping good clinical records is an important duty for the whole practice team. Kate Taylor, Clinical Risk Education Manager, examines why and provides tips for clinicians on how to do so.

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Articles and features 03/11/2017

From the HR files

From the HR files

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HR experts Croner share a case where a practice sought their advice to deal with an employee with a disciplinary issue who was on long-term sick leave.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

The risks of practice nursing

The risks of practice nursing

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Medical Protection has seen a steady rise in the number of claims involving practice nurses. Kate Taylor and Diane Baylis, Clinical Risk and Education Managers, examine what areas of practice nursing carry the most risk.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

Q&A with an MLA

Q&A with an MLA

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Editor-in-Chief and MLA (medicolegal adviser) Dr Rachel Birch answers some recent queries from practices.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

Risk Warning: test result management

Risk Warning: test result management

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Data from the NHS National Reporting and Learning System shows that more than 800 reported patient safety incidents relate to test result management.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

From the advice line

From the advice line

Time to read article: 2 mins
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Dr Rachel Birch shares a recent case, where a member asked for advice on how to deal with a request from a patient to record his consultations

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