IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Knowing your limits and boundaries as an IMG

Knowing your limits and boundaries as an IMG

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When you start out in UK medical practice, you’ll be keen to get stuck into your new role and make a good impression but it’s important to know your limits and continue to develop your skills.

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IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Speaking up as an IMG – what is it, why do it and how to do it?

Speaking up as an IMG – what is it, why do it and how to do it?

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It is important to speak up if you have concerns about patient care in your workplace, but doctors don’t always know where to start. Dr Henrietta Hughes provides advice on when and how to speak out.

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IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Thriving - not just surviving - as an IMG

Thriving - not just surviving - as an IMG

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Although working in the NHS can be an immensely rewarding career, it can become overwhelming if the right self-care and support is not practised. Here Dr Raza and Mr Hassouna have some ideas for you to consider.

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IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Preparing for PLAB 2 as an IMG

Preparing for PLAB 2 as an IMG

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Understand how PLAB 2 works and how you can get ready with Dr Aman Arora from Arora Medical Education.

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IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Discover your route to the UK with ‘IMG Shortcut’

Discover your route to the UK with ‘IMG Shortcut’

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If you’re thinking about becoming a UK doctor, it can be hard to know where to start. Dr Kimberley Tan explains how a free course from The Savvy IMG can help you decide on your next steps.

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IMG Articles and features 10/08/2022

Top five considerations for IMGs preparing to come to the UK

Top five considerations for IMGs preparing to come to the UK

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Making a move to UK medical practice could be right for your career but how do you decide? Dr Tan from The Savvy IMG explores some of the key things to think about.

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Articles and features 02/08/2022

What does 'safe space' mean for safety investigations in the NHS?

What does 'safe space' mean for safety investigations in the NHS?

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Dr Sean Weaver, Deputy Medical Director, and Cassandra Cameron, Head of Policy and Strategy, from the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch, look towards the 2023 introduction of ‘safe space’ in England – and what this means for patient safety

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Articles and features 02/08/2022

Breaching confidentiality: can doctors report a crime?

Breaching confidentiality: can doctors report a crime?

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Dr Emma Green, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, recalls a harrowing experience encountering a violent patient and considers the impact on confidentiality when reporting criminal behaviour or assault.

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