Articles and features 16/09/2020

COVID-19: Delayed referrals and medicolegal disputes

COVID-19: Delayed referrals and medicolegal disputes

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Dr James Thorpe, Senior Medical Educator at Medical Protection, looks at why the UK Government should prioritise the clearing of referrals backlogs due to COVID-19

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Press release 07/08/2020

Government faces call to make face masks mandatory in healthcare sett...

Government faces call to make face masks mandatory in healthcare settings, as laws extend to cinemas and churches

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Medical Protection are calling on the UK Government to make face masks mandatory in healthcare settings, as laws extends to cinemas and churches

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Press release 30/07/2020

NHS people plan welcomed, but Government funding needed to deliver on...

NHS people plan welcomed, but Government funding needed to deliver on wellbeing initiatives

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Medicolegal Lead, Risk Prevention, shares her comments on the launch of the new NHS People Plan setting out mental wellbeing initiatives.

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Press release 30/07/2020

Benefit of remote consultations is unquestionable, but challenges mus...

Benefit of remote consultations is unquestionable, but challenges must be considered

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Medicolegal Lead, Risk Prevention, shares her comments on the Health Secretary’s call for all NHS consultations to be conducted online.

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Press release 28/07/2020

Top lawyer Geoff Jones to head up member support division at Medical...

Top lawyer Geoff Jones to head up member support division at Medical Protection Society

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has announced the appointment of Geoff Jones as Executive Director of its Member Protection and Support division.

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Articles and features 09/07/2020

Can I provide antibody tests for my practice staff?

Can I provide antibody tests for my practice staff?

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Kate Cowan, case manager at Medical Protection, looks at some recent queries from GP practices on whether they can provide COVID-19 antibody tests to practice staff

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